mount error 6 mounting ext3 redhat
MyRedHatEnterpriseLinux4.3systemshowstheerrorMOUNT:ERROR6MOUNTINGEXT3andthesystemgetskernelpanic.,WhenIrebootedtheboxitcameupwithmultipleerrorsindicatingthatVolGroup_ID_9383volumemetadataisinconsistantandVolumegroupfor ...,Ihavebeenabletogleantha...
thiserror:mount:error6mountingext3wentaway.Therootfilesystemwasloaded,andext3wasinitialized.Iwasstillgetting:pivotroot ...
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mount error 6 mounting ext3
When I rebooted the box it came up with multiple errors indicating that VolGroup_ID_9383 volume metadata is inconsistant and Volume group for ...
Kenel panic with error Mount
Kernel panic while booting the system after kernel update on RHEL-4. Raw. Uncompressing Linux..ok booting the kernel Redhat nash version 4.2.
Kernel panic on Linux Red Hat server
The JBD error you see is because the EXT3 journal is mangled. If the Live USB/CD distro can't mount the partition because of this you can mount ...
Cannot migrate ancient VM - linux
I a required to migrate an ancient VM (2.4 kernel) from VMWare to KVM. Unfortunately I cannot get the migrated VM to read the root filesystem.